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Daniel Rosenbaum, Ph.D.

Daniel Rosenbaum, Ph.D.

Titles and Appointments


Endowed Title
Eugene McDermott Scholar in Medical Research
Medical School
Biophysics | Biochemistry
Graduate Programs
Molecular Biophysics
  • Biography

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    Dr. Rosenbaum earned his undergraduate degree in Chemistry from Princeton, where he carried out research in Michael Hecht's lab on the biophysical properties of de novo designed alpha helical proteins.

    In his PhD work, Dr. Rosenbaum worked in the lab of David Liu in the Chemistry Department at Harvard, where he carried out directed evolution experiments to probe and alter protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions.

    For his postdoc, Dr. Rosenbaum joined the lab of Brian Kobilka at Stanford University. Here he solved the crystal structure of the beta2 adrenergic receptor, the first atomic structure of a G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) activated by a diffusible ligand. He also helped to elucidate  conformational changes involved in beta2 receptor activation. These studies provided high-resolution molecular pictures of a GPCR bound to antagonist versus agonist, and set the stage for future structure determination of many biomedically important GPCRs.

    Dr. Rosenbaum came to to UT Southwestern in the fall of 2010. His lab works on membrane protein signaling related to human disease. In continuing work on GPCRs, the Rosenbaum lab solved the first high-resolution structures of the orexin and cannabinoid receptors, physiologically important CNS GPCRs with great therapeutic signficance. The lab has also developed new labeling strategies for high-resolution NMR studies of wild type GPCRs, in order to probe the relationship between ligand efficacy and receptor dynamics. In ongoing work in the area of sterol homeostasis, the Rosenbaum lab solved the first crystal structure of a human sterol transporter, and is carrying out biophysical and biochemical studies on the mammalian sterol sensing machinery. The lab uses a variety of biophysical techniques, including X-ray crstallography, Cryo-electron microscopy, and NMR to investigate the structure-function relationships of these highly disease-relevant membrane proteins. Structural and mechanistic insights gained from this work are being used to pursue drug design against previously intractable targets.

  • Education
    Princeton University (1999), Chemistry
    Graduate School
    Harvard University (2005), Chemistry
  • Research Interest
    • G protein-coupled receptors
    • Membrane protein structural biology
    • Sterol/lipid homeostasis
  • Publications

    Star Featured Publications

    Featured Featured Featured Featured Featured Featured
    Isotopic Labeling of Eukaryotic Membrane Proteins for NMR Studies of Interactions and Dynamics.
    Dikiy I, Clark LD, Gardner KH, Rosenbaum DM Meth. Enzymol. 2019 614 37-65
    tachykinin receptor.
    Yin J, Chapman K, Clark LD, Shao Z, Borek D, Xu Q, Wang J, Rosenbaum DM Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2018 Dec 115 52 13264-13269
    Crystal Structures of Human Orexin 2 Receptor Bound to the Subtype-Selective Antagonist EMPA.
    Suno R, Kimura KT, Nakane T, Yamashita K, Wang J, Fujiwara T, Yamanaka Y, Im D, Horita S, Tsujimoto H, Tawaramoto MS, Hirokawa T, Nango E, Tono K, Kameshima T, Hatsui T, Joti Y, Yabashi M, Shimamoto K, Yamamoto M, Rosenbaum DM, Iwata S, Shimamura T, Kobayashi T Structure 2017 Nov
    The Human Orexin/Hypocretin Receptor Crystal Structures.
    Yin J, Rosenbaum DM Curr Top Behav Neurosci 2016 Dec
  • Honors & Awards
    • Mallinckrodt Scholar
    • Amgen Young Investigator Award
    • Packard Fellow
    • Searle Scholar
    • UTSW Endowed Scholar
    • NIH NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship