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Samaiya Mushtaq, M.D.

Samaiya Mushtaq, M.D.

Titles and Appointments

Assistant Professor

Medical School

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  • Biography

    Dr. Samaiya Mushtaq is an attending psychiatrist accomplished in designing innovative skills-based educational programming on wellness and spirituality, with experience teaching to local Muslim communities, corporations, and medical students. She has a broad range of clinical training in inpatient, outpatient, consult, and emergency settings with diverse patient populations.

  • Education
    Medical School
    Vanderbilt University School of Medicine (2015)
    UT Southwestern Medical Center (2019), Psychiatry
  • Publications

    Star Featured Publications

    Bringing Psychiatry into the Mosque: Analysis of a Community Psycho-education Intervention
    Mushtaq S, Ayvaci E, Hashimi M, North CS Journal of Psychiatric Practice 2020 (in press)
    Paediatric ED BiPAP continuous quality improvement programme with patient analysis: 2005-2013.
    Abramo T, Williams A, Mushtaq S, Meredith M, Sepaule R, Crossman K, Burney Jones C, Godbold S, Hu Z, Nick T, BMJ Open 2017 01 7 1 e011845
    Scientology and Involuntary Commitment: A Case Report
    Bershader R, Mushtaq BS, Saxena A The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents? Journal 2014 9 6 13-14
    Utility of postoperative radiographs for cervical spine fusion: a comprehensive evaluation of operative technique, surgical indication, and duration since surgery.
    Shau DN, Bible JE, Samade R, Gadomski SP, Mushtaq B, Wallace A, McGirt MJ, O'Neill KR, Devin CJ, Spine 2012 Nov 37 24 1994-2000
  • Books


    Understanding the Effects of Islamophobia on Clinicians. In Islamophobia and Psychiatry: Recognition, Prevention, and Treatment

    Mushtaq S, Bhatti S (2019). New York, Springer

    Information Displays and Ergonomics. In Monitoring Technologies in Acute Care Environments

    Mushtaq BS, Dexheimer JW, Anders S (2014). New York, Springer

  • Honors & Awards
    • George Ginsberg Fellowship, American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training
      Awarded to five residents in the U.S. for excellence and accomplishments in education and teaching (2019)
    • M. Naziruddin Ali Award for Excellence
      Muslim Student Association National award given to one individual for academic excellence and service to the North American Muslim community (2011)