Harry Evans Jr, Ph.D. Titles and Appointments Associate Professor School Medical School Department Psychiatry Graduate Programs Clinical Psychology You have reached the Academic Profile. For more information on the doctor and patient care, please visit the clinical profile. Biography Director of Clinical Training (DCT), Associate Program Director, Internship Director, Coordinator for Southwest Out-Patient Psychotherapy Training Clinic, Director of the IPC, (Interdisciplinary Psychoanalytic Consortium) and clinical practice (Psychiatry Clinic). Education Undergraduate School Trinity University (1972), Psychology Other Post Graduate Training University of North Texas at Denton (1984) Graduate School University of North Texas at Denton (1984), Psychology Research Interest adult attachment Publications Featured Publications Attachment theory as a model of doctor-patient interaction Cassidy HF, Enander RA, Robinson RC, Evans HM, Frank B, Tucker C, Miltenberger PD, Pitts S, Stringer CA Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research 2015 20 4 151-178 A HISTORY OF THE THEORY OF PRENATAL ATTACHMENT. Brandon AR, Pitts S, Denton WH, Stringer CA, Evans HM Journal of prenatal & perinatal psychology & health : APPPAH 2009 23 4 201-222 Development of the Texas Spanish Naming Test: a test for Spanish speakers. Marquez de la Plata C, Vicioso B, Hynan L, Evans HM, Diaz-Arrastia R, Lacritz L, Cullum CM Clin Neuropsychol 2008 Mar 22 2 288-304 Relationship Between Current Depressive Symptoms and Telomere Length in a Large, Multiethnic Sample. Wignall ND, Deschner M, Evans HM, Brown ES J Clin Psychiatry 2017 Nov/Dec 78 9 1331-1336 Results 1-4 of 4 1 Professional Associations/Affiliations American Psychoanalytic Association (2013) American Psychological Association (2004) Dallas Psychoanalytic Center (2012) Dallas Psychological Association (2018) National Academy of Neuropsychologists (2018) National Register of Health Service Providers (1986)