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Jesung Moon, Ph.D.

Jesung Moon, Ph.D.

Titles and Appointments


Medical School
  • Biography

    Jesung Moon received a B.S. from Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea with a major in Animal Sciences.  For his PhD studies, he worked with Dr. Paul Collodi at Purdue University, Indiana. His dissertation demonstrated a cell-based gene targeting system in zebrafish embryonic stem cells and explored a function of c-kit ligands for maintenance of embryonic germ cells. As a postdoctoral researcher, he accepted a joint position at the laboratory of  Drs. Lawrence Lum and James Amatruda. He focused on small molecule development and understanding of the Wnt signaling pathways in tissue regeneration. His research contributed to the development of preclinical Wnt inhibitors and revealed potential use of a Wnt inhibitor in clinical trials to treat heart disease patients.  Currently, he is interested in the development of novel small molecules to treat glioblastoma patients. In pursuit of developing therapeutics, he is investigating the molecular mechanism of ephrine receptor, a type of receptor tyrosine kinase proteins, in tumor invasion and gliogenesis and employing biomedical engineering technology, the high-throughput screening, and next-generation sequencing.