Jo-Ann Nesiama, M.D. Titles and Appointments Professor School Medical School Department Pediatrics You have reached the Academic Profile. For more information on the doctor and patient care, please visit the clinical profile. Biography Jo-Ann O. Nesiama, M.D., M.S., F.A.A.P., is board certified in Pediatrics and Pediatric Emergency Medicine. She graduated from the School of Medicine, College of Medical Sciences, University of Benin, Nigeria, in 1989. She then completed a 1-year rotating internship and worked in various locations in Nigeria prior to immigrating to the United States. She completed her pediatric residency at Driscoll Children’s Hospital, Corpus Christi (1998-2001) and was chief resident from 2001-2002. She worked in the emergency department in Driscoll until she left for her fellowship at Children’s Hospital in Wisconsin (2005-2008). She also obtained her MS in epidemiology from the Medical College of Wisconsin during her fellowship (2006-2008). She returned to Driscoll where she practiced for one year prior to joining the Division of Emergency Medicine at Children’s Medical Center/ UT Southwestern Medical Center in 2009. She is a member of the Academic Pediatric Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, Texas pediatric Society. She is currently an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas and was the Associate Program Director of the Pediatric Emergency Fellowship Program from 2015-2020. In July 2020, she became the Program Director of the Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship Program. Her research interests include prehospital assessment of pediatric trauma, outcomes of pediatric trauma, medical education, equity in medical practice. Education Medical School University of Benin College of Medicine, Nigeria (1989) Internship Driscoll Children's Hospital - GME (1999), Pediatrics Residency Driscoll Children's Hospital - GME (2001), Pediatrics Chief Resident Driscoll Children's Hospital - GME (2002), Pediatrics Other Post Graduate Training The Medical College of Wisconsin (2008) Fellowship Medical College of Wisconsin (2008), Pediatric Emergency Medicine Research Interest Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Medical Education Outcomes of Pediatric Trauma Pediatric C-spine Injury Prehospital Assessment of Pediatric Trauma Publications Featured Publications Changing Who Has a Seat and Voice at the Table: How the Academic Pediatric Association is Responding to Systemic Racism. Cohen A, Montez K, Orr C, Konrath J, Oddiri U, Russell CJ, Gambill L, Nesiama JA, Chung PJ, McNeal-Trice K, Acad Pediatr 2022 04 22 3 352-355 Injury Rates, Patterns, Mechanisms, and Risk Factors Among Competitive Youth Climbers in the United States. Barrile AM, Feng SY, Nesiama JA, Huang C, Wilderness Environ Med 2022 Feb Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship Directors' 2021 Collective Statement on Virtual Interviews and Second Looks. Allister L, Baghdassarian A, Caglar D, Chapman J, Ciener DA, Fein DM, Graff D, Jacobs E, Jain P, Kane I, Langhan ML, McGreevy J, Nagler J, Nesiama JA, Ngo TL, Rose JA, Seaton K, Stukus K, Vu T, Werner H, Woods R, Pediatr Emerg Care 2021 Nov 37 11 585-587 Virtual Interviewing for Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship-A National Survey. van der Laan L, George R, Nesiama JA, Nagler J, Langhan ML, Yen K, Ngo TL, Rose JA, Caglar D, Kant S, Ciener D, Feng SY, Pediatr Emerg Care 2021 Oct Rural Versus Urban Pediatric Firearm Injuries: A 10-year Review at a Level 1 Trauma Center. Day C, Diebel A, Oke O, Nesiama JA Clinical Medicine Research 2021 10 6 173.179 Decreasing review and notification times of genital and urine cultures in a pediatric emergency department: An observational before and after study. Tweedle J, Mercado E, Truesdale N, Leonard D, Nesiama JO, J Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open 2020 Dec 1 6 1512-1519 Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship Directors' Collective Statement on Virtual Interviews. Allister L, Langhan ML, Rose JA, Kane I, Vu T, Ngo TL, Nesiama JA, Blumberg S, Ciener DA, Titus MO, Nagler J, Pediatr Emerg Care 2020 Nov 36 11 549-550 Point-of-Care Ultrasound for Central Venous Assessment in the Emergency Department: A Prospective Study Comparing the Femoral and Internal Jugular Veins. Pandya L, Cooper M, Patel N, Leonard D, Fernandes N, Spear D, Nesiama JA, Pediatr Emerg Care 2020 Oct Case 4: Two Children with Presumed Inguinal Hernias. Williams JA, Bruce G, Patel N, Nesiama JA, Pediatr Rev 2019 Sep 40 9 491-493 What is causing an infant?s facial swelling? Lowe G, Ochoa C, Patel A, Nesiama J-A Consultant 2019 Sep 40 9 491-493 Results 1-10 of 18 1 2 Next Last Books Featured Books Chest Trauma. In Stone C, Humphries R, Drigalla D, Stephan M, eds. LANGE Current Diagnosis and Treatment Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Nesiama JO, Huang CJ. (2015). McGraw-Hill; 242-250. Fever and Serious Bacterial Illness in Infants and Children. In Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine Manual, 9th edition Rodriguez DM, Nesiama JO, Wang, VJ (2019). McGraw-Hill, CH119:746-752 Rectal Prolapse. In Fleisher and Ludwig's 5-Minute Pediatric Emergency Medicine Consult, 2nd edition Nesiama JO (2019). Wolters Kluwer, 794-795 Acne. In Fleisher and Ludwig's 5-Minute Pediatric Emergency Medicine Consult, 2nd Edition Nesiama JO (2019). Wolters Kluwer, 20-21 Emergency Medicine. In Pediatric Board Study Guide: A Last Minute Review. 2nd Edition Nesiama JO, McConnell J, Yen K (2020 p.179-245). Springer Emergency Medicine. In Pediatric Board Study Guide: A Last Minute Review. Chapter on Emergency Care, 2nd edition Nesiama JO, McConnell J, Yen K. (2020). Springer Jan Ch7:197-245 PEMQBOOK 2021 Pediatric Emergency Medicine Board Review Course ? Dallas (limited edition). In Just the Stats: Statistical and Research Methodology Review Nesiama, JO (Chapter 45: 11-22). Dallas, Honors & Awards Best Research MentorAwarded by UT Southwestern Pediatric Residency Program (2022) Outstanding Senior FacultyAwarded by UT Southwestern PEM Fellowship Program (2022) Best Program Director: Awarded by UT Southwestern GME OfficeAmongst all UT Southwestern Residency and Fellowship Programs (2021) Best Poster in Research Category.Children's Medical Center Research Week Poster Fair: Pediatric Firearm Injuries: Demographics and Context of Injuries in Urban and Rural Communities. (2016) Consumers Research Council of America, America's Top Pediatricians (2007-2008) John G. and Elena Suess Kenedy Award, Best Resident (2002) Corpus Christi Pediatric Society Resident Research, Best case presentation (1999) Professional Associations/Affiliations Academic Pediatric Association (APA) (2008) American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) (1998) American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Section on Emergency Medicine (SOME) (2006) American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP): Wisconsin Chapter (2005-2008) American Medical Association (2001-2005) Association of Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship Program Directors (2016) Association of Pediatric Program Directors (APPD) (2017) Corpus Christi Pediatric Society (1998-2005) National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) (2006-2014) Nueces County Medical Society, Treasurer (2008-2009) Pediatric Trauma Society (PTS) (2013) Southern Medical Society (SMS) (2002-2005) Texas Pediatric Society, Section of Emergency Medicine (SOEM) (2011)