Thomas Carmody, Ph.D. Titles and Appointments Professor School School of Public Health Department Public Health | Psychiatry Graduate Programs Clinical Psychology Biography Download Curriculum Vitae Education Undergraduate Southern Methodist University , Statistics Graduate School Southern Methodist University , Statistics Graduate School Southern Methodist University , Statistics Research Interest Longitudinal data analysis Psychometrics Publications Featured Publications Bupropion and Naltrexone in Methamphetamine Use Disorder. Trivedi MH, Walker R, Ling W, Dela Cruz A, Sharma G, Carmody T, Ghitza UE, Wahle A, Kim M, Shores-Wilson K, Sparenborg S, Coffin P, Schmitz J, Wiest K, Bart G, Sonne SC, Wakhlu S, Rush AJ, Nunes EV, Shoptaw S, N Engl J Med 2021 01 384 2 140-153 A Complier Average Causal Effect Analysis of the Stimulant Reduction Intervention using Dosed Exercise Study. Carmody T, Greer TL, Walker R, Rethorst CD, Trivedi MH Contemp Clin Trials Commun 2018 Jun 10 1-8 Effect of Sertraline on Depressive Symptoms in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease Without Dialysis Dependence: The CAST Randomized Clinical Trial. Hedayati SS, Gregg LP, Carmody T, Jain N, Toups M, Rush AJ, Toto RD, Trivedi MH JAMA 2017 11 318 19 1876-1890 The Montgomery Asberg and the Hamilton Ratings of Depression: A Comparison Carmody, T.J., Rush, A.J., Bernstein, I.H., Warden, D., Brannan, S., Burnham, D., Woo, A., European Neuropsychopharmacology 2006 16 601-611 Making Clinicians Lives Easier: Guidance on Use of the QIDS Self Report in Place of the MADRS Carmody, T.J., Rush, A.J., Berstein, I.H., Brannan, S., Husain, M.M., Trivedi, M.H. Journal of Affective Disorders 2006 95 115-118 Results 1-5 of 5 1