Preston Blomquist, M.D. Titles and Appointments Professor Endowed Title Distinguished Teaching Professor School Medical School Department Ophthalmology You have reached the Academic Profile. For more information on the doctor and patient care, please visit the clinical profile. Education Medical School UT Southwestern Medical School (1986) Internship St. Joseph's Hospital (1987), Transitional Year Residency Baylor College of Medicine (1990), Ophthalmology Research Interest Cataract Surgery Ocular Trauma Ophthalmologic Education and Training Publications Outcomes of resident-performed laser-assisted vs traditional phacoemulsification Hansen B, Blomquist PH, Ririe P, Pouly S, Nguyen C, Petroll WM, McCulley JP Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2020 Sep 46 1273-1277 Comparison of 1-field, 2-fields, and 3-fields fundus photography for detection and grading of diabetic retinopathy Lee JC, Nguyen L, Hynan LS, Blomquist PH Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 2019 Dec 33 Gender Differences in Case Volume among Ophthalmology Residents Gong D, Winn BJ, Beal CJ, Blomquist PH, Chen RW, Culican SM, Dagi Glass LR, Domeracki GF, Goshe JM, Jones JK, Khouri AS, Legault GL, Martin TJ, Mitchell KT, Naseri A, Oetting TA, Olson JH, Pettey JH, Reinoso MA, Reynolds AL, Siatkowski RM, Soohoo JR, Sun G, Syed MF, Tao JP, Taravati P, Wudunn D, Al-Aswad LA JAMA Ophthalmology 2019 Sep 137 1015-1020 Educator as Parent: The 2019 Straatsma Lecture Blomquist PH Ophthalmology 2019 Aug 126 1073-1075 Supervision and autonomy of ophthalmology residents in the outpatient clinic in the United States II: A survey of senior residents Singman EL, Boland MV, Tian J, Green LK, Srikumaran D, Barkmeier AJ, Hendershot AJ, Thliveris A, Moore DB, Wudunn D, Goldman DJ, Waxman EL, Domeracki G, Legault GL, Pettey J, Chen JJ, Olson JH, Winokur J, Colyer M, Mayers M, Wilkinson MJ, Lee MS, Syed M, Drucker M, Weikert MP, Taravati P, Veldman P, Challa P, Blomquist PH, Siatkowski RM, Granadier R, Havens S, Culican SM, Uhler TA, Whittaker TJ BMC Medical Education 2019 Jun 19 Pupil-Involving Third Cranial Nerve Paresis at High Altitude Blomquist PH High Altitude Medicine and Biology 2018 Sep 19 286-287 Supervised resident manual small-incision cataract surgery outcomes at large urban United States residency training program Lynds R, Hansen B, Blomquist PH, Mootha V Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2018 Jan 44 34-38 Use of Intravenous Vancomycin and Cefepime in Preventing Endophthalmitis after Open Globe Injury Huang JM, Pansick AD, Blomquist PH Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2016 Sep 32 437-441 Acute and Chronic Ophthalmic Involvement in Stevens-Johnson Syndrome/Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis - A Comprehensive Review and Guide to Therapy. II. Ophthalmic Disease Part i (Systemic Disease) was published in the January 2016 issue of this journal. Kohanim S, Palioura S, Saeed HN, Akpek EK, Amescua G, Basu S, Blomquist PH, Bouchard CS, Dart JK, Gai X, Gomes JA, Gregory DG, Iyer G, Jacobs DS, Johnson AJ, Kinoshita S, Mantagos IS, Mehta JS, Perez VL, Pflugfelder SC, Sangwan VS, Sippel KC, Sotozono C, Srinivasan B, Tan DT, Tandon R, Tseng SC, Ueta M, Chodosh J Ocular Surface 2016 Apr 14 168-188 Stevens-Johnson Syndrome/Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis - A Comprehensive Review and Guide to Therapy. I. Systemic Disease Kohanim S, Palioura S, Saeed HN, Akpek EK, Amescua G, Basu S, Blomquist PH, Bouchard CS, Dart JK, Gai X, Gomes JA, Gregory DG, Iyer G, Jacobs DS, Johnson AJ, Kinoshita S, Mantagos IS, Mehta JS, Perez VL, Pflugfelder SC, Sangwan VS, Sippel KC, Sotozono C, Srinivasan B, Tan DT, Tandon R, Tseng SC, Ueta M, Chodosh J Ocular Surface 2016 Jan 14 2-19 Results 1-10 of 48 1 2 3 4 5 Next Last Books Featured Books Practical Ophthalmology: A Manual for Beginning Residents, 7th Ed. Blomquist, PH (Ed.) (2015). San Francisco, American Academy of Ophthalmology Practical Ophthalmology: A Manual for Beginning Residents, 6th Ed. Wilson FM, Blomquist PH (Ed.) (2009). San Francisco, American Academy of Ophthalmology Practical Ophthalmology: A Manual for Beginning Residents, 5th Ed. Wilson FM II, Blomquist PH, Gedde SJ, Golnik KC, Wallace DK (2005). San Francisco, American Academy of Ophthalmology Honors & Awards Parker J. Palmer Courage to Teach Award, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical EducationMore information at (2020) Secretariat Award of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (2020) Texas Super Doctor (since 2007) (2020) Straatsma Award for Excellence in Resident Education, American Academy of Ophthalmology and Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology (2018) Distinguished Alumnus, Baylor College of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology (2013) University of Texas System Regents' Outstanding Teaching Award (2012) University of Texas System Regents' Outstanding Teaching Awardmore info at (2012) Distinguished Physician Award, Parkland Health and Hospital System (2007) UT Southwestern Academy of TeachersDistinguished Teaching Professor (2007) UT Southwestern Academy of Teachers, Distinguished Teaching Professor (2007) American Ophthalmological SocietyInducted after acceptance of thesis (2006) Ho Din AwardSouthwestern Medical Foundation (1986) Alpha Omega AlphaNational Medical Honor Society (1985) Professional Associations/Affiliations American Academy of Ophthalmology Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology (2002) Council Member, American Ophthalmological Society (2019) Past President, Dallas Academy of Ophthalmology Texas Ophthalmological Association (1998)