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Alison Wilkinson, Ph.D.

Alison Wilkinson, Ph.D.

Titles and Appointments


Medical School
  • Education
    University of Texas-Austin (2000), Psychology
    Graduate School
    University of Texas-Austin (2003), Psychology
    Graduate School
    University of Texas-Austin (2006), Psychology
  • Publications

    Star Featured Publications

    A Case Series of Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Patients in a Pediatric Functional Neurologic Disorder Clinic.
    Wilkinson-Smith A, Lerario MP, Klindt KN, Waugh JL, J Child Neurol 2023 Sep 8830738231200520
    [Formula: see text]Neuropsychological outcomes in children and adolescents following anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis.
    Wilkinson-Smith A, Blackwell LS, Howarth RA, Child Neuropsychol 2022 Feb 28 2 212-223
    When neurologists diagnose functional neurological disorder, why don't they code for it?
    Herbert LD, Kim R, Hassan AA, Wilkinson-Smith A, Waugh JL, CNS Spectr 2021 Sep 1-30
    Examining the impact of physical activity on sleep quality and executive functions in children with autism spectrum disorder: A randomized controlled trial.
    Tse CYA, Lee HP, Chan KSK, Edgar VB, Wilkinson-Smith A, Lai WHE, Autism 2019 Jan 1362361318823910
    The princess and the p-value: A case report of suspected autoimmune encephalitis and functional neurological disorder in a pediatric patient.
    Wilkinson-Smith A, Greenberg B, Keech A Appl Neuropsychol Child 2018 Sep 1-8
    Are fine-motor impairments a defining feature of nonverbal learning disabilities in children?
    Wilkinson-Smith A, Semrud-Clikeman M, Appl Neuropsychol Child 2014 3 1 52-9
    Executive functioning in children with Asperger syndrome, ADHD-combined type, ADHD-predominately inattentive type, and controls.
    Semrud-Clikeman M, Walkowiak J, Wilkinson A, Butcher B, J Autism Dev Disord 2010 Aug 40 8 1017-27
    Direct and indirect measures of social perception, behavior, and emotional functioning in children with Asperger's disorder, nonverbal learning disability, or ADHD.
    Semrud-Clikeman M, Walkowiak J, Wilkinson A, Minne EP, J Abnorm Child Psychol 2010 May 38 4 509-19
  • Books


    The Social Competence Intervention Program (SCIP): A drama-based intervention for youth on the autism spectrum

    Guli L, Wilkinson A, Semrud-Clikeman, M (2008). Champaign, IL, Research Press

  • Professional Associations/Affiliations
    • American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology
    • Functional Neurological Disorders Society
    • International Neuropsychological Society
    • Society for Personality Assessment
    • Texas Psychological Association
    • Therapeutic Assessment Institute