Paul Medin, Ph.D. Titles and Appointments Director of the Medical Physics Residency Program Professor School Medical School Department Radiation Oncology Graduate Programs Biomedical Engineering Biography Paul Medin, Ph.D., is a Professor of Radiation Oncology at UT Southwestern Medical Center. He is part of the Department of Radiation Oncology’s Division of Medical Physics and Engineering. Dr. Medin received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1998. Upon completing the Clinical Medical Physics Residency Program at the University of Minnesota, he became the first person in history to receive both a Ph.D. and a residency certificate from CAMPEP-accredited programs. Dr. Medin has since held faculty positions in the radiation oncology departments at the University of Minnesota, UCLA, the University of Nebraska, and, currently, at UTSW. Dr. Medin has founded two CAMPEP-accredited residency programs and serves as a residency program reviewer for CAMPEP. The research aspect of Dr. Medin’s career has been focused on developing realistic models to study the dose response of the nervous system to stereotactic body radiotherapy. Dr. Medin is board-certified by the American Board of Radiology in therapeutic radiologic physics and has published over 35 papers in peer-reviewed journals. Education Graduate School University of California-Los A , Biomedical Physics Graduate School University of California-Los A , Biomedical Physics Research Interest Normal tissue tolerance to hypofractionated radiation therapy Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy Publications A microscopic oxygen transport model for ultra-high dose rate radiotherapy in vivo: The impact of physiological conditions on FLASH effect Guo L, Medin PM, Wang KK Medical physics 2024 Nov 51 8623-8637 Definitive radiation for advanced cervix cancer is not associated with vaginal shortening—a prospective vaginal length and dose correlation Owrangi M, Medrano A, Gao Y, Kazemifar S, Hrycushko B, Medin P, Nwachukwu C, Jia X, Albuquerque K Brachytherapy 2024 Mar 23 136-140 Bony structure enhanced synthetic CT generation using Dixon sequences for pelvis MR-only radiotherapy Liang X, Yen A, Bai T, Godley A, Shen C, Wu J, Meng B, Lin MH, Medin P, Yan Y, Owrangi M, Desai N, Hannan R, Garant A, Jiang S, Deng J Medical physics 2023 Dec 50 7368-7382 In Reply to Goyal and Madan Medin P, Hrycushko B, van der Kogel AJ International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2022 May 113 232-233 Brachial Plexus Tolerance to Single-Session SABR in a Pig Model Hrycushko B, van der Kogel AJ, Phillips L, Chhabra A, Folkert MR, Sayre JW, Vernino S, Hassan-Rezaeian N, Yamada Y, Timmerman R, Medin PM International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2022 Feb 112 565-571 Change in image-guided planning strategies over time impacts oncologic and survival outcomes for intracavitary cervical cancer brachytherapy D'Cunha P, Gonzalez Y, Nwachukwu C, Hrycushko B, Medin P, Owrangi A, Jia X, Albuquerque K Brachytherapy 2022 Spinal Cord Dose Tolerance to Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Sahgal A, Chang JH, Ma L, Marks LB, Milano MT, Medin P, Niemierko A, Soltys SG, Tomé WA, Wong CS, Yorke E, Grimm J, Jackson A International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2021 May 110 124-136 Effects From Nonuniform Dose Distribution in the Spinal Nerves of Pigs: Analysis of Normal Tissue Complication Probability Models Hrycushko B, Medin PM International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2021 Apr 109 1570-1579 Low-cost 3D print–based phantom fabrication to facilitate interstitial prostate brachytherapy training program Chiu T, Xiong Z, Parsons D, Folkert MR, Medin PM, Hrycushko B Brachytherapy 2020 Nov 19 800-811 Existence of a Dose-Length Effect in Spinal Nerves Receiving Single-Session Stereotactic Ablative Radiation Therapy Hrycushko B, van der Kogel AJ, Phillips L, Folkert MR, Sayre JW, Vernino S, Hassan-Rezaeian N, Foster RD, Yamada Y, Timmerman R, Medin PM International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2020 Apr 106 1010-1016 Results 1-10 of 59 1 2 3 4 5 Next Last Books Featured Books Radiosurgery of Benign Tumors. In Minimally Invasive Therapy of the Brain Selch MT, Solberg TD, Medin PM, Vassilev V, Desalles AAF (1996). Thieme Medical Publishers Functional Spine Radiosurgery. In Spine Radiosurgery DeSalles AAF, Medin PM (2008). New York, Thieme Quality Assurance in Spinal Radiosurgery. In Spine Radiosurgery Solberg TD, Medin PM (2008). New York, Thieme Preliminary Novalis experience in the treatment of skull base chordomas with stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic radiotherapy. In Radiosurgery vol. 5 Pedroso AG, DeSalles AAF, Frighetto L, Torres RC, Solberg TD, Medin P, Cabatan-Awang C, Selch M (2004). Basel Long-term follow-up using linac radiosurgery and stereotactic radiotherapy as a minimally invasive treatment for intracranial meningiomas. In Radiosurgery vol. 5 Torres RC, DeSalles AAF, Frighetto L, Gravori T, Pedroso AG, Goss B, Medin P, Solberg TD, Ford J, Selch M (2004). Basel Extracranial Stereotactic Radiotherapy and Radiosurgery. In Extracranial Stereotactic Radiotherapy and Radiosurgery Medin PM, Verellen D (2006). New York, Taylor and Francis Image Guided Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy. In Image Guided and Adaptive Radiation Therapy Solberg TD, Kavanagh BD, Medin PM (2010). Philadelphia, Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Stereotactic Radiation Therapy. In Quality and Safety in Radiotherapy Solberg TD, Medin PM (2010). Boca Raton, Taylor and Francis Preclinical Studies of Radiosurgical Tolerance of the Spinal Cord. In Controversies in Stereotactic Radiosurgery Medin PM, Foster RD, Solberg TD, Sahgal A (2014). New York, Thieme Preclinical Studies of Radiosurgical Tolerance of the Spinal Cord. In Controversies in Stereotactic Radiosurgery Medin PM, Foster RD, Solberg TD, Sahgal A (2014). New York, Thieme Spinal Cord Tolerance Greater than 10 Gy. In Controversies in Stereotactic Radiosurgery Sahgal A, Chang EL, Lo SS, Medin PM, Larson DA, Ma L (2014). New York, Thieme Stereotactic Radiation Therapy. In Comprehensive Biomedical Physics Benedict SH, Perks JR, Goetsch S, Wijesooriya K, Miften M, Vinogradskiy Y, Medin P, Descovich M, Lovelock DM, Low DA, Kry SF (2014). Elsevier Radiation Physics. In Clinical Radiation Oncology Solberg TD, Medin PM, Hrycushko B (2016). Elsevier Experimental Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerve Radiation Biology. In Spinal Radiosurgery Medin PM, Hrycushko BH, Foster RD, Solberg TD (2015). New York, Honors & Awards Elected Fellow of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) (2017) Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas, Individual InvestigatorPeripheral nerve tolerance to single-session stereotactic irradiation (2015) ARRO - Best of ASTRO sessionLateral dose volume effects and re-irradiation tolerance of the porcine spinal cord (2009) NIH ARRA Competitive SupplementSpinal cord tolerance to radiosurgical dose delivery (2009) NIH R01Spinal cord tolerance to radiosurgical dose delivery (2006) Department of Health & Human Services, Public Health ServiceSBIR phase 1 grant for "A Localizer System for Spinal Stereotactic Radiosurgery," authored by P. Medin, PI Eric Cosman (1997) Sylvia Sorkin Greenfiled Memorial Award (UCLA Biomedical Physics Graduate Program)Excellence in the area of therapeutic medical physics (1997) Professional Associations/Affiliations American Association of Physicists in Medicine American Brachytherapy Society American Society for Radiation Oncology International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society Society of Directors of Accredited Medical Physics Program