Kan Ding, M.D. Titles and Appointments Associate Professor School Medical School Department Neurology You have reached the Academic Profile. For more information on the doctor and patient care, please visit the clinical profile. Biography Joined UT Southwestern: 2014 Clinical Interests: Dr. Ding specializes in evaluating, diagnosing, and treating epilepsy and seizure disorders. She is board-certified in neurology, epilepsy, and clinical neurophysiology. She is the founding Director of the Epilepsy Clinic at Parkland Hospital & Health System. Her specific clinical interests include post-traumatic epilepsy, ICU EEG monitoring, and wearable devices for seizure detection and treatment. Research: Dr. Ding is passionate about developing treatments to improve functional outcomes, especially cognitive impairment, in patients with epilepsy and traumatic brain injury (TBI). She collaborates with top-notch researchers locally and globally to facilitate clinical research and improve the care of epilepsy and TBI patients. Her research has received continuous funding from federal and local sponsors over the past decade. Currently, she has active studies evaluating cerebrovascular and neurophysiologic biomarkers in the recovery after moderate to severe TBI. Dr. Ding has also conducted interventional studies examining the impact of aerobic exercise on cognitive outcomes and cerebrovascular function after TBI. She has published more than 50 peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and reviews. Education Activities: Dr. Ding is actively involved in teaching medical students, residents, and fellows. She serves as a faculty advisor for medical student research in the Department of Neurology. Leadership: She serves as the Medical Director for the Epilepsy Clinic at Parkland Hospital & Health System. Affiliations & Awards: In 2015, she received the Darryl K Royal Foundation Research Award and the Texas Institute for Brain Injury and Repair Pilot Study Award. Education Medical School Peking Union Medical College (1997) Residency UT Southwestern Medical Center (2012), Neurology Fellowship UT Southwestern Medical Center (2013), Epilepsy/clinical Neurophysiology Research Interest Cerebral Autoregulation Clinical Neurophysiology Cognition comorbidity in epilepsy and traumatic brain injury ICU EEG Monitoring Neurodegeneration Neuroimaging Post-Traumatic Epilepsy Publications Real-Time Seizure Detection Using Behind-the-Ear Wearable System Lehnen J, Venkatesh P, Yao Z, Aziz A, Nguyen PV, Harvey JH, Alick-Lindstrom S, Doyle A, Podkorytova I, Perven G, Hays RS, Zepeda R, Das R, Ding K Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 2025 Feb 42 118-125 Body mass index and sleep disorders after moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury–a national TBI model systems study Ding K, Salter A, Driver S, Hammond FM, Dreer LE, Nakase-Richardson R, Bell KR Brain injury 2025 Correction to: Recording of pig neuronal activity in the comparative context of the awake human brain (Scientific Reports, (2022), 12, 1, (15503), 10.1038/s41598-022-19688-2) Dobariya A, El Ahmadieh TY, Good LB, Hernandez-Reynoso AG, Jakkamsetti V, Brown R, Dunbar M, Ding K, Luna J, Kallem RR, Putnam WC, Shelton JM, Evers BM, Azami A, Geramifard N, Cogan SF, Mickey B, Pascual JM Scientific reports 2024 Dec 14 Prevalence of Cardiovascular Conditions After Traumatic Brain Injury: A Comparison Between the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Pinto SM, Thakur B, Kumar RG, Rabinowitz A, Zafonte R, Walker WC, Ding K, Driver S, Venkatesan UM, Moralez G, Bell KR Journal of the American Heart Association 2024 May 13 Community-based exercise program, self-reported health-related symptoms, and quality of life in persons with traumatic brain injury 45 + years old Vargas GO, Neaves S, Pham T, Huang M, Turki AF, Wang C, Bell KR, Juengst SB, Zhang R, Li M, Driver S, Behbehani K, Hynan LS, Ding K NeuroRehabilitation 2024 Apr 54 373-381 Stereo-electroencephalographic seizure localization in patients with mesial temporal sclerosis: A single center experience Zhang B, Podkorytova I, Hays R, Perven G, Agostini M, Harvey J, Zepeda R, Alick-Lindstrom S, Dieppa M, Doyle A, Das R, Lega B, Ding K Clinical Neurophysiology Practice 2024 Jan 9 106-111 Study protocol: Cerebral autoregulation, brain perfusion, and neurocognitive outcomes after traumatic brain injury -CAPCOG-TBI Caldas J, Cardim D, Edmundson P, Morales J, Feng A, Ashley JD, Park C, Valadka A, Foreman M, Cullum M, Sharma K, Liu Y, Zhu D, Zhang R, Ding K Frontiers in Neurology 2024 15 Age-related smartphone use patterns among individuals with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury Truong D, Pham T, Hynan LS, Neaves S, Bell KR, Juengst SB, Zhang R, Driver S, Ding K Brain injury 2024 38 7-11 Identification of Factors in Moderate-Severe TBI Related to a Functional Decline in Cognition Decades After Injury LoBue C, Schaffert J, Dams-O'Connor K, Taiwo Z, Sander A, Venkatesan UM, O'Neil-Pirozzi TM, Hammond FM, Wilmoth K, Ding K, Bell K, Munro Cullum C Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 2023 Nov 104 1865-1871 Earables as Medical Devices: Opportunities and Challenges Aziz A, Karkar R, Ding K, Harvey J, Nguyen P 2023 Oct 339-341 Results 1-10 of 58 1 2 3 4 5 Next Last Books Featured Books Posttraumatic seizures. In Manual of traumatic brain injury: Assessment and management (2nd edition) Ding K and Diaz-Arrastia R (2016). Demos Medical Epilepsy after TBI. In Translational Research in Traumatic Brain Injury in Frontiers in Neuroscience Ding K, Gupta P, and Diaz-Arrastia R (2015). CRC Press Honors & Awards Darryl K Royal Foundation Research Award (2015-2017) Texas Institute for Brain Injury and Repair Pilot Study Award (2015-2016) Victor Riberg/Leon Weisberg Award 1st place (2010) Professional Associations/Affiliations American Academy of Neurology (2008) American Clinical Neurophysiology Society (2012) American Epilepsy Society (2012) Dallas County Medical Society (2019) National Neurotrauma Society (2016) Texas Neurology Society (2016)