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Ross Querry, Ph.D.

Ross Querry, Ph.D.

Titles and Appointments

Professor & Chair

Endowed Title
Doris E. Porter Professorship in Physical Therapy
School of Health Professions
Physical Therapy | Orthopaedic Surgery

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  • Education
    Undergraduate School
    University of Oklahoma College of Medicine (1984)
    Undergraduate School
    Oklahoma State University - Technical Institute (1987)
    Other Post Graduate Training
    University of Texas at Arlington (1995)
    Graduate School
    University of Texas at Arlington (1995)
    Other Post Graduate Training
    UNT HSC College of Osteopathic Medicine (1999)
    Graduate School
    UNT HSC College of Osteopathic Medicine (1999), Physiology
    Other Post Graduate Training
    Texas Woman's University (2001)
    Graduate School
    Texas Woman's University (2001), Physical Therapy
  • Research Interest
    • Lifestyle wellness and fitness components that contribute to physical disability or disease
    • Neural control of cardiovascular regulation
  • Publications

    Star Featured Publications

    Changes in supraspinal activation patterns following robotic locomotor therapy in motor-incomplete spinal cord injury
    Winchester, P., McColl, R., R.G. Querry, Foreman, N., Mosby, J., Tansey, K., Willamson, J. Neurorehabil Neural Repair December 2005 19:4 313-324
    Anatomical and functional characteristics of carotid sinus stimulation in humans
    Querry, R.G., S.A. Smith, M. Stromstad, K. Ide, N.H. Secher, P.B. Raven American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology May 2001 280 2390-2398
    Neural blockade augments central command contribution to carotid baroreflex resetting during exercise in man.
    Querry, R.G., S.A. Smith, M. Stromstad, K. Ide, P.B. Raven, N.H. Secher American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology April 2001 280 1635-1644
    Effects of partial neuromuscular blockade on carotid baroreflex function during exercise in humans.
    Gallagher, K.M., P.J. Fadel, M. Stromstad, K. Ide, S.A. Smith, R.G. Querry, P.B. Raven, N.H. Secher Journal of Physiology 2001 533 861-870
    Carotid baroflex function during prolonged exercise.
    Norton, K.H., K.M. Gallagher, S.A. Smith, R.G. Querry, R.M. Welch-O'Connor, P.B. Raven Journal of Applied Physiology July 1999 87 339-347
  • Professional Associations/Affiliations
    • American College of Sports Medicine
    • American Physical Therapy Association