Qing Zou, Ph.D. Titles and Appointments Assistant Professor School Medical School Department Pediatrics | Advanced Imaging Research Center | Radiology Graduate Programs Biomedical Engineering Biography Dr. Zou is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Pediatric Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. He also holds secondary appointments in the Department of Radiology, and Advanced Imaging Research Center (AIRC). Dr. Zou obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Iowa. Afterward, he did his postdoctoral training at the University of Iowa on Cardiac MRI. Education Undergraduate Yangzhou University (2015), Mathematics Graduate School University of Iowa (2018), Mathematics Graduate School University of Iowa (2021) Research Interest Pulse sequences development for cardiopulmonary MRI Theoretical machine learning for MRI understanding Unsupervised learning for cardiac MRI processing Publications Featured Publications Free-Breathing and Ungated Cardiac MRI Reconstruction Using a Deep Kernel Representation Zou Q, Ahmed AH, Dzelebdzic S, Hussain T Applied Sciences 2023 13 4 2281 Dynamic imaging using motion-compensated smoothness regularization on manifolds (MoCo-SToRM). Zou Q, Torres LA, Fain SB, Higano NS, Bates AJ, Jacob M, Phys Med Biol 2022 07 67 14 Dynamic Imaging Using a Deep Generative SToRM (Gen-SToRM) Model. Zou Q, Ahmed AH, Nagpal P, Kruger S, Jacob M, IEEE Trans Med Imaging 2021 11 40 11 3102-3112 Joint Cardiac T1 Mapping and Cardiac Cine Using Manifold Modeling Zou Q, Priya S, Nagpal P, Jacob M. Bioengineering 2023 10 3 345 Variational manifold learning from incomplete data: application to multi-slice dynamic MRI. Zou Q, Ahmed AH, Nagpal P, Priya S, Schulte RF, Jacob M, IEEE Trans Med Imaging 2022 Jul PP Dynamic Imaging using Deep Bi-linear Unsupervised Representation (DEBLUR). Ahmed AH, Zou Q, Nagpal P, Jacob M, IEEE Trans Med Imaging 2022 Apr PP Recovery of surfaces and functions in high dimensions: sampling theory and links to neural networks. Zou Q, Jacob M, SIAM J Imaging Sci 2021 14 2 580-619 An image inpainting model based on the mixture of Perona-Malik equation and Cahn-Hilliard equation Zou Q Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 2021 66 1 21-38 A PDE model for smooth surface reconstruction from 2D parallel slices Zou Q IEEE Signal Processing Letters 2020 27 1015-1019 Comment on "identities and congruences for the general partition and Ramanujan's tau functions" Zou Q Indian J Pure Appl Math 2019 2 50 365-366 Results 1-10 of 17 1 2 Next Last Honors & Awards Best Paper Award FinalistThe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (2022) Best Paper AwardThe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (2021) Professional Associations/Affiliations American Heart Association (2022) International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2019) Society for Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (2022) Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2018) The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (2017)