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Samir M Parikh, M.D.

Samir M Parikh, M.D.

Professor & Division Chief

Endowed Title
Robert Tucker Hayes Distinguished Chair in Nephrology, in Honor of Dr. Floyd C. Rector, Jr.; Ruth W. and Milton P. Levy, Sr. Chair in Molecular Nephrology
Medical School
Internal Medicine | Pharmacology
Graduate Programs
Cell and Molecular Biology

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  • Biography

    Samir Parikh, M.D., is a Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center and Chief of the Division of Nephrology. He holds the Robert Tucker Hayes Distinguished Chair in Nephrology in honor of Dr. Floyd C. Rector, Jr., and the Ruth W. and Milton P. Levy, Sr. Chair in Molecular Nephrology. Dr. Parikh holds a secondary appointment in the Department of Pharmacology.

    Dr. Parikh graduated magna cum laude from Harvard with a degree in chemistry. He earned his medical degree from Vanderbilt, where he received the Founder’s Medal as valedictorian of his graduating class. He completed residency and fellowship training in Nephrology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. Prior to joining UT Southwestern in 2021, he served as Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Associate Vice Chair for Research in the Department of Medicine at BIDMC.

    Dr. Parikh has received multiple honors for teaching and mentorship, having led programs funded by organizations including the Doris Duke Foundation and the National Institutes of Health to train undergraduates, post-baccalaureate students, medical students, residents, and fellows in research.

    The Parikh laboratory's research into metabolic mechanisms of kidney resilience has been recognized with the 2018 Sir William Osler Award from the Interurban Clinical Club and the 2019 Donald Seldin Award from the American Society of Nephrology and the American Heart Association. Original research from the group has appeared in NatureNature MedicineScience Translational MedicineCell Metabolism, the Journal of Clinical Investigation, and PNAS among other leading journals. Dr. Parikh was inducted into the American Society for Clinical Investigation in 2017 and the American Association of Physicians in 2021. He has delivered more than 200 invited lectures.  

    Dr. Parikh currently serves as Chairperson of the Pathobiology of Kidney Disease study section at the NIH. He was recently elected Executive Councilor and Secretary for the American Society of Nephrology. In 2026, Dr. Parikh will serve as President of ASN.

  • Education
    Medical School
    Vanderbilt University School of Medicine (2001)
    Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (2002)
    Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (2003), Internal Medicine
    Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (2006), Nephrology
  • Research Interest
    • Acute Kidney Injury
    • Aging
    • Critical Illness
    • NAD+ and Mitochondrial Metabolism
    • Vascular Biology
  • Publications

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  • Honors & Awards
    • American Association of Physicians
      AAP (2021)
    • UT STARS Award
      University of Texas (2021)
    • Donald W. Seldin Award
      American Society of Nephrology and American Heart Association (2019)
    • Outstanding Investigator Award
      National Heart, Lung, Blood Institutes (2018)
    • Sir William Osler Award
      Interurban Clinical Club (2018)
    • American Society for Clinical Investigation
      ASCI (2017)
    • Carl W. Gottschalk Award
      American Society of Nephrology (2008)
    • Founder's Medal
      Vanderbilt University School of Medicine (2001)
  • Professional Associations/Affiliations
    • American Association of Physicians (2021)
    • American Society for Clinical Investigation (2017)
    • American Society of Nephrology (2003)
    • International Society of Nephrology