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Gokhan Kalkan, M.D.

Gokhan Kalkan, M.D.

Titles and Appointments

Associate Professor

Medical School

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  • Biography

    Dr. Gokhan Kalkan, M.D., is a prominent pediatric specialist with dual subspecialty training in pediatric infectious diseases from UT Southwestern Medical Center and pediatric critical care from the University of California, San Francisco. He is recognized for establishing the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and initiating the Pediatric Critical Care Fellowship at Gazi University Hospital, and he has further held leadership roles, including serving as Vice Chief of Staff. Dr. Kalkan’s career is marked by significant contributions to critical care and infectious diseases, a dedication to teaching, clinical excellence, and an extensive publication record. At UT Southwestern, he continues to drive innovation in patient care and medical education, leveraging his unique expertise to advance pediatric healthcare.

  • Education
    Medical School
    Marmara University School of Medicine, Turkey (2000)
    University of California San Francisco School of Medicine (2009), Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
    UT Southwestern/Children's Medical Center (2021), Pediatric Infectious Disease
    UT Southwestern/Children's Medical Center (2023), Pediatrics
  • Publications

    Star Featured Publications

    Epidemiology of pediatric severe sepsis and septic shock in Turkey: Prevalence, Results and Treatments Study.
    Evren G, Karaarslan U, Yildizdas D, Sik G, Azapagasi E, Konca C, Kendirli T, Udurgucu M, Koroglu TF, Acta Paediatr 2022 Jul
    Prevalence and Time Course of Thiamine Deficiency in Critically Ill Children: A Multicenter, Prospective Cohort Study in Turkey.
    Akkuzu E, Yavuz S, Ozcan S, Sincar S, Bayrakci B, Kendirli T, Pasaoglu H, Kalkan G, Pediatr Crit Care Med 2022 May 23 5 399-404
    The skills of defibrillation practice and certified life-support training in the healthcare providers in Turkey.
    Derinoz-Guleryuz O, Uysal-Yazici M, Udurgucu M, Karacan C, Akça H, Ongun EA, Ekinci F, Duman M, Akça-Çaglar A, Vatansever G, Bilen S, Uysalol M, Akcan-Yildiz L, Saz EU, Bal A, Piskin E, Sahin S, Kurt F, Anil M, Besli E, Alakaya M, Gültekingil A, Yilmaz R, Temel-Koksoy O, Kesici S, Akcay N, Cebisli E, Emeksiz S, Kilinc MA, Köker A, Çoban Y, Erkek N, Gurlu R, Eksi-Alp E, Apa H, Int J Clin Pract 2021 Dec 75 12 e14978
    The Burden of Burnout Syndrome in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Pediatric Emergency Department: A Multicenter Evaluation.
    Yazici MU, Teksam O, Agin H, Erkek N, Arslankoylu AE, Akca H, Esen F, Derinoz O, Yener N, Kilinc MA, Yilmaz R, Koksoy Ö, Kendirli T, Anil AB, Yildizdas D, Ozturk N, Tekerek N, Duyu M, Kalkan G, Emeksiz S, Kurt F, Alakaya M, Goktug A, Ceylan G, Bayrakci B, Pediatr Emerg Care 2021 Dec 37 12 e955-e961
    Ventilator associated pneumonia due to carbapenem resistant microorganisms in children.
    Kara SS, Polat M, Tapisiz A, Kalkan G, Simsek H, Tezer H, Minerva Pediatr 2019 Aug 71 4 349-357
    Comprehensive Analysis of Severe Viral Infections of Respiratory Tract admitted to PICUs during the Winter Season in Turkey.
    Kockuzu E, Bayrakci B, Kesici S, Citak A, Karapinar B, Emeksiz S, Anil AB, Kendirli T, Yukselmis U, Sevketoglu E, Paksu S, Kutlu O, Agin H, Yildizdas D, Keskin H, Kalkan G, Hasanoglu A, Yazici MU, Sik G, Kilinc A, Durak F, Perk O, Talip M, Yener N, Uzuner S, Indian J Crit Care Med 2019 Jun 23 6 263-269
    Six year mortality profile of a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: associaton between out-of-hours and mortality.
    Ayar G, Uysal Yazici M, Sahin S, Gunduz RC, Yakut HI, Oden Akman A, Kalkan G, Arch Argent Pediatr 2019 Apr 117 2 120-125
    Early initiated feeding versus early reached target enteral nutrition in critically ill children: An observational study in paediatric intensive care units in Turkey.
    Bagci S, Keles E, Girgin F, Yildizdas DR, Horoz ÖÖ, Yalindag N, Tanyildiz M, Bayrakçi B, Kalkan G, Akyildiz BN, Köker A, Köroglu T, Anil AB, Zengin N, Dinleyici EÇ, Kiral E, Dursun O, Yavuz ST, Bartmann P, Müller A, J Paediatr Child Health 2018 May 54 5 480-486
    Outcome of out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest in children: A multicenter cohort study.
    Kurt F, Kendirli T, Gündüz RC, Kesici S, Akça H, Sahin S, Kalkan G, Derbent M, Tuygun N, Ödek Ç, Gültekingil A, Oguz S, Polat E, Derinöz O, Tekin D, Teksam Ö, Bayrakci B, Suskan E, Turk J Pediatr 2018 60 5 488-496
    Alteration of thiol-disulphide homeostasis in acute tonsillopharyngitis.
    Kara SS, Erel O, Demirdag TB, Cura Yayla BC, Gulhan B, Neselioglu S, Polat M, Kalkan G, Tapisiz A, Tezer H, Redox Rep 2017 Sep 22 5 205-209