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Cory Atkinson, M.A.

Cory Atkinson, M.A.

Titles and Appointments

Faculty Associate

Medical School
Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery

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  • Biography

    CORY ATKINSON, MA, CCC-SLP is a speech-language pathologist at the UT Southwestern Clinical Center for Voice Care.  A lifelong singer, she received her Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance at Trinity University and her Master of Arts in Speech-Language Pathology at Northwestern University, as well as a certificate in Vocology from the National Center for Voice and Speech.  Her clinical practice began in 2002 as a voice specialist at The Center for Voice at Northwestern and Northwestern Memorial Hospital, and she performed as the lead singer in a honky-tonk band while living in Chicago.  She specializes in the care of voice, swallowing, and airway disorders, including rehabilitation for head and neck cancer and laryngectomy.

  • Education
    Other Post Graduate Training
    Trinity University (1999)
    Undergraduate School
    Trinity University (1999), Vocal Performance
    Medical School
    Northwestern University (2001)
    Graduate School
    Northwestern University (2001), Speech-language Pathology
  • Research Interest
    • Care of the professional voice
    • Evaluation and treatment of voice disorders
    • Laryngectomy
    • Paradoxical Vocal Fold Motion disorder
    • Speech, swallowing, and voice treatment for head and neck cancer patients
  • Professional Associations/Affiliations
    • American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (2002)