Jaehyup Kim, M.D., Ph.D. Titles and Appointments Assistant Professor School Medical School Department Pathology You have reached the Academic Profile. For more information on the doctor and patient care, please visit the clinical profile. Education Medical School Seoul National University (2003) Graduate School University of Wisconsin (2012) Other Post Graduate Training University of Wisconsin - Madison (2012) Residency UT Southwestern Medical Center (2016), Pathology Fellowship UT Southwestern Medical Center (2017), Blood Banking/transfusion Medicine Research Interest Cell Biology, Immunology, Stem Cells, Hematopoietic System Publications Featured Publications LILRB4 signalling in leukaemia cells mediates T cell suppression and tumour infiltration. Deng M, Gui X, Kim J, Xie L, Chen W, Li Z, He L, Chen Y, Chen H, Luo W, Lu Z, Xie J, Churchill H, Xu Y, Zhou Z, Wu G, Yu C, John S, Hirayasu K, Nguyen N, Liu X, Huang F, Li L, Deng H, Tang H, Sadek AH, Zhang L, Huang T, Zou Y, Chen B, Zhu H, Arase H, Xia N, Jiang Y, Collins R, You MJ, Homsi J, Unni N, Lewis C, Chen GQ, Fu YX, Liao XC, An Z, Zheng J, Zhang N, Zhang CC Nature 2018 Oct 562 7728 605-609 Mathematical calculation of lifespan of transfused RBCs in sickle cell disease patients. Kim J, Usmani A, De Simone N, Sarode R Transfus. Apher. Sci. 2018 Feb 57 1 46-49 Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Educated Macrophages Are a Distinct High IL-6-Producing Subset that Confer Protection in Graft-versus-Host-Disease and Radiation Injury Models. Bouchlaka MN, Moffitt AB, Kim J, Kink JA, Bloom DD, Love C, Dave S, Hematti P, Capitini CM Biol. Blood Marrow Transplant. 2017 Jun 23 6 897-905 Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase Expression in Papillary Thyroid Cancer Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells Modulates Cancer Cell Growth and Migration. Parascandolo A, Rappa F, Cappello F, Kim J, Cantu DA, Chen H, Mazzoccoli G, Hematti P, Castellone MD, Salvatore M, Laukkanen MO Sci Rep 2017 Feb 7 41416 Comparison of Spectra Optia and COBE Spectra apheresis systems' performances for red blood cell exchange procedures. Kim J, Joseph R, Matevosyan K, Sarode R Transfus. Apher. Sci. 2016 Dec 55 3 368-370 Autosomal short tandem repeat analysis of ancient DNA by coupled use of mini- and conventional STR kits. Oh CS, Lee SJ, Park JB, Lee SD, Seo SB, Kim HY, Kim J, Kim YS, Shin DH J. Forensic Sci. 2012 May 57 3 820-5 The effect of mesenchymal stromal cell-hyaluronic acid hydrogel constructs on immunophenotype of macrophages. Hanson SE, King SN, Kim J, Chen X, Thibeault SL, Hematti P Tissue Eng Part A 2011 Oct 17 19-20 2463-71 Mesenchymal stromal cells are present in the heart and promote growth of adult stem cells in vitro. Lushaj EB, Anstadt E, Haworth R, Roenneburg D, Kim J, Hematti P, Kohmoto T Cytotherapy 2011 Apr 13 4 400-6 Bone marrow stromal cells from multiple myeloma patients uniquely induce bortezomib resistant NF-kappaB activity in myeloma cells. Markovina S, Callander NS, O'Connor SL, Xu G, Shi Y, Leith CP, Kim K, Trivedi P, Kim J, Hematti P, Miyamoto S Mol. Cancer 2010 Jul 9 176 Dental caries prevalence of medieval Korean people. Han SS, Baek KW, Shin MH, Kim J, Oh CS, Lee SJ, Shin DH Arch. Oral Biol. 2010 Jul 55 7 535-40 Results 1-10 of 18 1 2 Next Last Books Featured Books Role of mesenchymal stem cells in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. In Stem cells and human diseases Hematti P, Kim J, Battiwalla M. (2012). New York, Springer Harnessing regenerative and immunomodulatory properties of mesenchymal stem cells.. In Regenerative Medicine Technology as Applied to Organ Transplantation Kim J, Hematti P (2014). Amsterdam, Academic Press Honors & Awards Weinberg Resident Research AwardDepartment of Pathology, UTSW (2015) Young Investigator AwardAmerican Society for Apheresis (2015)