Bruce Mickey, M.D. Titles and Appointments Professor Emeritus School Medical School Department Neurological Surgery Biography Dr. Mickey was born in New Orleans and completed his neurosurgical residency at UT Southwestern Medical Center and completed a fellowship at the Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, Denmark. He is vice chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery at UT Southwestern where he holds the William Kemp Clark Chair in Neurological Surgery. His specialties include the surgical management of benign and malignant intracranial tumors, surgery for epilepsy and radiosurgery. Dr. Mickey is Director of the Annette Straus Center for Neuro-Oncology at UT Southwestern Medical School. He is an active member of the Joint Section on Tumors and Congress of Neurological Surgeons since 1985 and is a member of the following organizations: American Association of Neurological Surgeons Congress of Neurological Surgeons North American Skull Base Society Education Undergraduate Harvard University (1974) Medical School UT Southwestern Medical Center (1978) Research Interest Clinical trials of new therapies for malignant intra-cranial tumors Radiosurgery Surgical approaches to the base of the skull Publications Featured Publications Neurophysiologic and neuroradiologic features of intractable epilepsy after traumatic brain injury in adults Diaz-Arrastia P, Agostini MA, Frol AB, Mickey B, Fleckenstein J, Bigio E, VanNess PC. Archives of Neurology 2000 57 1611-1616 Molecular advances to treat cancer of the brain Fathallah-Shayk HM, Zhao L, Mickey BE, Kafrouni AI. Expert Opinion Investigational Drugs 2000 9 1207-1215 Primary Tumors of the Brain and Spinal Cord Schold SC, Burger PC, Mendelsohn DB, Glastein EJ, Mickey BE, Minna JD. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann 1997 The Role of the Le Fort I Maxillotomy in the Management of Incompletly Resected Pituitary Macroadenomas Mickey, B, Hutchins, L., Eillis, E. Skull Base August 2007 17 369-378 Detection of experimentally induced brain tumors in rats using high resolution computed tomography Psarros TG, Mickey B, Giller, C Neurological Resident 2005 27(1) 57-59 Gliosarcoma cell death after radiosurgery in a rat model Psarros TG, Mickey B, Gilio J, Drees J, Gall K, Carlson D, Giller C, Willis MS Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery 2005 48(3) 142-148 Atypical teraroid/rhabdoid tumor: cytology and differential diagnosis in adults Raisanen J, Hatanpaa KJ, Mickey BE, White CL 3rd Diagnostic Cytopathology July 2004 31(1) 60-63 Image guided robotic radiosurgery in a rat glioma model Psarros TG, Mickey B, Gall K, et al. Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery 2004 45(5) 266-72 Results 1-8 of 8 1 Honors & Awards D Magazine Best Doctors in Dallas (2007) Texas Super Doctors 2007 (2007) Best Doctors in America (2006) Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., 6th Edition America’s Top Doctors (0) Professional Associations/Affiliations American Association of Neurological Surgeons American Medical Association Congress of Neurological Surgeons North American Skull Base Society Texas Association of Neurological Surgeons