Peter Michaely, Ph.D. Titles and Appointments Assist Dean Basic Science Education Assist Dean Basic Science Education School Medical School Department Undergraduate Medical Education Graduate Programs Biological Chemistry Biography Download Curriculum Vitae Education: The University of Illinois (Champaign-Urbana) BS, Biochemistry BS, Genetics and Development 8/1984 - 5/1989 Duke University (Durham, NC) PhD, Biochemistry Vann Bennett, mentor 8/1989-5/1995 Post-Graduate Positions: Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Vann Bennett, PI Duke University (Durham, NC) 5/1995-2/1996 Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr. Richard Anderson, PI UT Southwestern 2/1996-8/2002 Instructor, Department of Cell Biology UT Southwestern 8/2002-8/2005 Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology UT Southwestern 8/2005-present Education Undergraduate Univ of Illinois @ Urbana-Cham (1989), Biochemistry Graduate School Duke University (1995), Biochemistry Research Interest Cancer biology - Role of cavin adaptors in signal transduction Choleolerol homeostasis - LDLR mediated lipoprotein uptake Nanosprings - use of ankyrin repeats to make nanospring nanodevices Publications Featured Publications Identification of roles for H264, H306, H439 and H635 in acid-dependent lipoprotein release by the LDL receptor. Dong H, Zhao Z, LeBrun DG, Michaely P J. Lipid Res. 2016 Nov S-nitrosylation of ARH is required for LDL uptake by the LDL receptor. Zhao Z, Pompey S, Dong H, Weng J, Garuti R, Michaely P J. Lipid Res. 2013 Apr Quantitative fluorescence imaging reveals point of release for lipoproteins during LDLR-dependent uptake. Pompey S, Zhao Z, Luby-Phelps K, Michaely P J. Lipid Res. 2013 Mar 54 3 744-53 Cavin-3 dictates the balance between ERK and Akt signaling. Hernandez VJ, Weng J, Ly P, Pompey S, Dong H, Mishra L, Schwarz M, Anderson RG, Michaely P Elife 2013 2 e00905 Sterol-dependent nuclear import of ORP1S promotes LXR regulated trans-activation of apoE. Lee S, Wang PY, Jeong Y, Mangelsdorf DJ, Anderson RG, Michaely P Exp. Cell Res. 2012 Oct 318 16 2128-42 Role of an intramolecular contact on lipoprotein uptake by the LDL receptor. Zhao Z, Michaely P Biochim. Biophys. Acta 2011 Jun 1811 6 397-408 The role of calcium in lipoprotein release by the low-density lipoprotein receptor. Zhao Z, Michaely P Biochemistry 2009 Aug 48 30 7313-24 Localization and structure of the ankyrin-binding site on beta2-spectrin. Davis L, Abdi K, Machius M, Brautigam C, Tomchick DR, Bennett V, Michaely P J. Biol. Chem. 2009 Mar 284 11 6982-7 The epidermal growth factor homology domain of the LDL receptor drives lipoprotein release through an allosteric mechanism involving H190, H562, and H586. Zhao Z, Michaely P J. Biol. Chem. 2008 Sep 283 39 26528-37 Loss of the transforming growth factor-? effector ?2-Spectrin promotes genomic instability. Chen J, Shukla V, Farci P, Andricovich J, Jogunoori W, Kwong LN, Katz LH, Shetty K, Rashid A, Su X, White J, Li L, Wang AY, Blechacz B, Raju GS, Davila M, Nguyen BN, Stroehlein JR, Chen J, Kim SS, Levin H, Machida K, Tsukamoto H, Michaely P, Tzatsos A, Mishra B, Amdur R, Mishra L Hepatology 2017 Feb 65 2 678-693 Results 1-10 of 29 1 2 3 Next Last Professional Associations/Affiliations American Heart Association (2006) American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2007)