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Nick Grishin, Ph.D.

Nick Grishin, Ph.D.


Endowed Title
Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Chair in Biomedical Science; Virginia Murchison Linthicum Scholar in Biomedical Research
Medical School
Biophysics | Biochemistry
Graduate Programs
Molecular Biophysics
  • Biography

    Dr. Grishin is HHMI Investigator and Professor of Biochemistry at UT Southwestern. Born and educated in Russia, he received a Diplom (the Russian equivalent of a master’s degree) in biochemistry from the Moscow State University. His doctoral research in molecular biophysics was done with Margaret Phillips at UT Southwestern. After a postdoctoral year with Eugene Koonin at the National Institutes of Health, he joined the faculty at UT Southwestern.

  • Education
    Graduate School
    Moscow State University - Russ (1993)
    Graduate School
    UT Southwestern Medical Center (1998)
  • Research Interest
    • We study proteins by means of computational methods
  • Publications

    Star Featured Publications

    Featured Featured Featured Featured Featured
    A comprehensive system for evaluation of remote sequence similarity detection
    Qi Y, Sadreyev RI, Wang Y, Kim BH, Grishin NV. BMC Bioinformatics August 2007 8(1) 314
    Searching for three-dimensional secondary structural patterns in proteins with ProSMoS.
    Shi S, Zhong Y, Majumdar I, Sri Krishna S, Grishin NV. Bioinformatics June 2007 23(11) 1331-1338
    COMPASS server for remote homology inference
    Sadreyev RI, Tang M, Kim BH, Grishin NV. Nucleic Acids Res May 2007 35(Web Server issue) W653
    MUMMALS: multiple sequence alignment improved by using hidden Markov models with local structural information.
    Pei J, Grishin NV. Nucleic Acids Res August 2006 34(16) 4364-4374
    Structural classification of small, disulfide-rich protein domains.
    Cheek S, Krishna SS, Grishin NV. J Mol Biol. May 2006 359(1) 215-237
  • Honors & Awards
    • Finn World Travel Award
      to attend 12th Symposium of the Protein Society (1998)
    • UT Southwestern Graduate School
      Nominata Award (1998)
    • Department of Pharmacology
      A.G. Gilman award for excellence in research (1997)
    • GSO Travel Award
      to attend XVII Congress of Intl. Union of Crystallography (1996)