Micah Jacobs, M.D. Titles and Appointments Professor School Medical School Department Urology You have reached the Academic Profile. For more information on the doctor and patient care, please visit the clinical profile. Biography Download Curriculum Vitae Dr. Jacobs earned his medical degree from Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut, after growing up in Houston. He completed his urologic residency at the Lahey Hospital & Medical Center in Burlington, Massachusetts, and fellowship training in pediatric urology at Seattle Children’s Hospital in Seattle, Washington. He also earned a master’s degree in Public Health while at the University of Washington. Dr. Jacobs joined the urology team at Children’s Health in 2011 and is an Associate Professor at UT Southwestern. He is board-certified in Urology and is an Assistant Professor and the Director of the Pediatric Urology Fellowship Program at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. His interests include congenital urologic abnormalities, Spina Bifida, minimally invasive surgery, complex urologic reconstruction and hypospadias. Dr. Jacobs teaches for the American Board of Urology review course and is active in the American Urological Association’s academic activities. Dr. Jacobs co-directs the Adolescent to Adult Transition program in Urology, focusing on spina bifida patients as they move into adulthood. He has written multiple research papers on the long-term outcomes of children with neurogenic bladder dysfunction who have undergone surgical reconstruction, as well as clinical outcomes of various surgical techniques in pediatric urology. Dr. Jacobs sees patients at Children’s Medical Center Dallas and Children’s Medical Center Plano, as well as at the Children’s Health Specialty Center Rockwall. Dr. Jacobs conducts a clinic for children with spina bifida at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital. Dr. Jacobs also spends as much time as possible with his two children and wife here in Dallas. He is an active member of his temple and is a lifelong fan of the Houston Astros. Education Medical School Yale University School of Medicine (2003) Internship Lahey Clinic Foundation (2005), General Surgery Residency Lahey Clinic Foundation (2009), Urology Graduate School University of Washington (2010) Other Post Graduate Training University of Washington (2010) Fellowship Children's Hospital & Medical Center - Seattle (2011), Pediatric Urology Research Interest Complex Urologic Reconstruction Congenital Urologic Abnormalities Hypospadias Minimally Invasive Surgery Spina Bifida Publications Featured Publications Early Vs. Expectant Management of Spina Bifida Patients-Are We All Talking About a Risk Stratified Approach? Edwards AB, Jacobs M, Curr Urol Rep 2019 Nov 20 11 76 Splenogonadal fusion: A rare finding during routine orchiopexy. Chen CJ, Kavoussi N, Jacobs MA, Urol Case Rep 2019 Nov 27 100904 Time Course and Extent of Renal Function Changes in Patients Receiving Treatment for Staphylococcal Pneumonias: An Analysis Comparing Telavancin and Vancomycin from the ATTAIN Trials. Nogid B, Lacy MK, Jacobs M, Bruss J, Dwyer J, Pharmacotherapy 2018 10 38 10 990-998 Streamlining risk stratification in infants and young children with spinal dysraphism: Vesicoureteral reflux and/or bladder trabeculations outperforms other urodynamic findings for predicting adverse outcomes. Timberlake MD, Jacobs MA, Kern AJ, Adams R, Walker C, Schlomer BJ J Pediatr Urol 2018 Jun Diagnosing Testicular Torsion before Urologic Consultation and Imaging: A Validation of the TWIST Score. Sheth KR, Keays M, Grimsby GM, Granberg CF, Menon VS, DaJusta DG, Ostrov L, Hill M, Sanchez E, Kuppermann D, Harrison CB, Jacobs MA, Huang R, Burgu B, Hennes H, Schlomer BJ, Baker LA J. Urol. 2016 Jan Perioperative and Short-Term Outcomes of Robotic vs Open Bladder Neck Procedures in Patients with Neurogenic Incontinence. Grimsby GM, Jacobs MA, Menon V, Schlomer BJ, Gargollo PC J. Urol. 2015 Nov Pediatric Priapism Secondary to Psychotherapeutic Medications. Armstrong WR, Grimsby GM, Jacobs MA Urology 2015 Jul Long Term Outcomes of Bladder Neck Reconstruction without Augmentation Cystoplasty in Children. Grimsby GM, Menon V, Schlomer BJ, Baker LA, Adams R, Gargollo PC, Jacobs MA J. Urol. 2015 Jul Success of Laparoscopic Robotic Assisted Approaches to UPJ Obstruction Based on Pre-Operative Renal Function. Grimsby GM, Jacobs MA, Gargollo PC J. Endourol. 2015 Mar A Comparison of Complications of Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic versus Open Appendicovesicstomy in Children. Grimsby GM, Jacobs MA, Gargollo PC J. Urol. 2015 Mar Results 1-10 of 21 1 2 3 Next Last Books Featured Books Hernias and Hydroceles. In Pediatric Urology Jacobs, MA (2013). Springer Varicocele. In Pediatric Urology Jacobs, MA (2013). Springer Ureteroceles and Ectopic Ureters. In Pediatric Urology Jacobs, MA, Snodgrass, W (2013). Springer Neurogenic Bladder. In Pediatric Urology Snodgrass, W, Jacobs, MA, Gargollo, P (2013). Springer Robotic Surgery of the Kidney and Ureter in the Pediatric Population. In Robotic Urologic Surgery Jacobs, M, Lendvay, T (2012). Springer Honors & Awards "Super Doctors 2016 Texas Rising Stars"Texas Monthly Magazine (2016) Best Pediatric Specialists in DallasD Magazine (2016) "Super Doctors 2015 Texas Rising Stars"Texas Monthly Magazine (2015) Best Pediatric Specialists in DallasD Magazine (2015) D MagazineBest Pediatric Specialist (2015-2020) Young Leadership Position: Maimonides Medical DelegationIsrael Bonds (2015) "Super Doctors 2014 Texas Rising Stars"Texas Monthly Magazine (2014) Castle Connolly Top DoctorCastle Connolly Medical Ltd (2014) Award for Excellence in Teaching (2005) Professional Associations/Affiliations American Academy of Pediatrics (2011) American Urology Association (2011) Dallas County Medical Society (2012) Society for Fetal Urology (2014) Society of Pediatric Urologists (2011) South Central Section of American Urological Association (2012) Texas Medical Association (2012)