Richard Adams, M.D. Titles and Appointments Chief, Division of Developmental / Behavioral Pediatrics Professor & Division Chief School Medical School Department Pediatrics Biography Richard Adams, M.D., earned his medical degree from Louisiana State University Health Science Center. He completed a pediatric residency at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, and later, received advanced training in developmental disabilities through a fellowship at Indiana University Medical Center in Indianapolis. Dr. Adams has provided leadership on the State level as the Chair of the Texas Interagency Coordinating Council for Early Childhood Intervention and as a member of the Texas Medicaid Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee. He is a member of the Camp John Marc Advisory Board, and for 30 years has served as the medical director of “Camp TLC,” an annual summer camp for 100 youths with spina bifida. Having served as chairman of the Committee on Children with Disabilities for the Texas Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (Texas Pediatric Society) for a decade, he was subsequently named “Chair Emeritus.” He was subsequently elected twice to the Executive Committee of the AAP’s Council on Children with Disabilities. In recognition of his advocacy work, the Texas Chapter of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners named Dr. Adams “Child Advocate of the Year” and the twice he has received a Special Achievement Award from the American Academy of Pediatrics for his work on behalf of quality outcome measures for children with special needs across the State of Texas. In addition to clinical and teaching activities, Dr. Adams has published widely in the field of developmental disabilities based on his clinical research efforts at Scottish Rite for Children. He is currently Professor and Chief of the Division of Developmental/Behavioral Pediatrics within the Department of Pediatrics at UT Southwestern and is Medical Director of Pediatric Developmental Disabilities at Scottish Rite for Children. Research Interest Spina bifida Publications Featured Publications Expectant use of CIC in newborns with spinal dysraphism: Report of clinical outcomes. Timberlake MD, Kern AJ, Adams R, Walker C, Schlomer BJ, Jacobs MA J Pediatr Rehabil Med 2017 Oct Shared Decision-Making and Children With Disabilities: Pathways to Consensus. Adams RC, Levy SE Pediatrics 2017 May Pain Assessment and Treatment in Children With Significant Impairment of the Central Nervous System. Hauer J, Houtrow AJ Pediatrics 2017 May Out-of-Home Placement for Children and Adolescents With Disabilities-Addendum: Care Options for Children and Adolescents With Disabilities and Medical Complexity. Friedman SL, Norwood KW Pediatrics 2016 Dec 138 6 Recognition and Management of Medical Complexity. Kuo DZ, Houtrow AJ Pediatrics 2016 Dec 138 6 Long Term Outcomes of Bladder Neck Reconstruction without Augmentation Cystoplasty in Children. Grimsby GM, Menon V, Schlomer BJ, Baker LA, Adams R, Gargollo PC, Jacobs MA J. Urol. 2015 Jul Fetal spine findings on MRI and associated outcomes in children with open neural tube defects. Chao TT, Dashe JS, Adams RC, Keefover-Hicks A, McIntire DD, Twickler DM AJR Am J Roentgenol 2011 Nov 197 5 W956-61 Central nervous system findings on fetal magnetic resonance imaging and outcomes in children with spina bifida. Chao TT, Dashe JS, Adams RC, Keefover-Hicks A, McIntire DD, Twickler DM Obstet Gynecol 2010 Aug 116 2 Pt 1 323-9 Incidence of new onset metabolic acidosis following enteroplasty for myelomeningocele. Adams RC, Vachha B, Samuelson ML, Keefover-Hicks A, Snodgrass WT J. Urol. 2010 Jan 183 1 302-5 Comparing outcomes of slings with versus without enterocystoplasty for neurogenic urinary incontinence. Snodgrass W, Keefover-Hicks A, Prieto J, Bush N, Adams R J. Urol. 2009 Jun 181 6 2709-14; discussion 2714-6 Results 1-10 of 27 1 2 3 Next Last Books Featured Books Management of the Child with Developmental Disabilities. In Herring JA, ed. Tachdijan's Pediatric Orthopedics. 5th ed. Adams RC, Meneses V. (2014). Elsevier Saunders; 121-135. Honors & Awards Outstanding Physician, Developmental PediatricsTexas Monthly (2021) Best Pediatric Specialists in DallasD Magazine (2018) Open Doors Leader AwardMHMR Visions Foundation, TX (2015) Fred Sage Memorial AwardAmerican Academy of Cerebral Palsy & Developmental Medicine (2010) Special Achievement AwardAmerican Academy of Pediatrics (2009) Texas Super DoctorsTexas Monthly Magazine (2007-2016) Executive Board AwardTexas Pediatric Society (2005) Casey M Holter AwardInternational Society for Research in Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida (2004) Joan L. Venes Humanitarian AwardThe Spina Bifida Association of North Texas (1994) Professional Associations/Affiliations American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine American Academy of Pediatrics Society of Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Texas Pediatric Society